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綠園紀事第九屆綠衣使節 新聞編輯群 主筆:吳敏睿

【Topic: Urawa Girls’ Upper Secondary School  online exchange program】
【Date:December 22, 2020 12:00-16:00】
【Location:Taipei First Girls High School 2F Conference room】
【News Report】

Twenty-three students from TFG had an online exchange with teachers and about 30 students from Urawa Girls’ Upper Secondary School. Teacher Huang from TFG held this exchange for us. Urawa First Girls' High School is at Saitama in Japan, it is close to the train station and is the oldest Girls’ High School in Saitama. Urawa’s  mascot  Duck, although the reason is not clear. There are duck signs everywhere in the campus, such as statues.

▲Online Exchange Program ▲Screen of Online Meeting

In this exchange, TFG Student Ambassadors gave an introduction in Japanese of Taiwan and TFG, and then students are separated into groups to discuss about COVID-19. Every group is required to decide their own topic, for example, changes of school life, the effect on the economy, and so on. We can tell that even though there are some disadvantages of online courses, there are also silver linings of it through Urawa students’ presentation.

Participants from TFG of this exchange indicated that they all felt the passion of Japanese students. The two historical high schools are holding a lot of commons in club activities, climate of learning… All of these brought more conversation to the exchange.

The two schools also sent souvenirs and postcards to each other after the online meeting. Many of the participants stay in touch with their partners, too. Hope there will be a chance for students to see each other face to face in the near future.


