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印度的真實面貌能說清楚嗎?  印度女性最受壓迫新德里是全球「強暴首都」?  布塔莉雅來自印度的作家、社會企業家、及女權運動者,相信真相不只一個,真相層層堆疊,本身就是精彩故事。

What is the truth of India and its women? Are Indian women the most oppressed in the world? Is India the rape capital of the world? Taking its cue from the Indian women’s movement, and speaking as an activist within the movement, but also as a businesswoman, an entrepreneur and a writer, Urvashi Butalia will try to examine and present the multiple truths of Indian women, taking the stance that there can never be a single story.

活動時間  2018325 14:00~15:30

   點:台灣金融研訓院2樓菁業堂     (台北市羅斯福路三段62號2樓) 

   烏爾瓦西布塔莉雅  作家、女權運動者、獨立出版社Kali for Women共同創辦人

主持人鍾適芳   政治大學傳播學院副教授、大大樹音樂圖像創辦人 


Speaker:  Urvashi Butalia

Writer, Publisher, Activist, and Co-founder of Kali for Women

Moderator: Shefong Chung

Associate Professor, College of Communication, the National Cheng-chi University, and Founder of Trees Music and Art

Venue: Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance  
             (2F, No.62, Sec.3, Roosevelt Road, Taipei)


 全程英語 不備翻譯   ENGLISH ONLY
